Avery Holsinger
School Counselor
Barry Elementary
Hello, my name is Avery Holsinger and I am the K-5 school counselor at Barry Elementary. I began my career in the mental health field after graduating from Ottawa University with my Bachelor's degree in Psychology. I then attended Kansas State University and obtained my Master's degree in School Counseling. When not at school I love to hang out with my husband and one year old daughter, cheer on the Kansas City Chiefs, and play sand volleyball. I am so excited to get to know your students this year!
Elementary school counselors are
educators uniquely trained in child
development, learning strategies, self-management and social skills, who
understand and promote success for today’s diverse students. They implement
a school counseling program to support
students through this important developmental period. The program provides
education, prevention and intervention
activities, which are integrated into all
aspects of children’s lives. The program
teaches knowledge, attitudes and skills
students need to acquire in academic,
career and social/emotional development, which serve as the foundation for
future success. (American School Counselor Association, 2019)