

The health room is available for services from 8:25 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. regular scheduled school days.

Contact Information

Angela Bach 

Contact Information
Angela Bach, BSN, RN
Barry School Nurse
2001 NW 87th Terrace
Kansas City, MO 64154
Office: 816.436.9623 x. 3106

Health Guidelines

Children need to come to school healthy and ready to learn. Below are a few guidelines we ask you to follow concerning your child's health.

  • Vomiting/Diarrhea - If your child vomits or has diarrhea the evening before or the morning of school, please keep him/her home and monitor for 24 hours. Children can dehydrate very quickly. Seek the advice of your child's physician if they remain ill. Children may not come to school if they have vomited or had diarrhea in the past 24 hours.
  • Emergency Contacts - In case your child becomes ill or is injured during school, we need to be able to contact the parents/guardians or whomever you designate as an emergency contact. Children are very upset when they are ill and for them to stay extended periods of time at school when they need to be home is unfair to them and to the other students who come to the health room.
  • Temperature - If your child has an elevated temperature (100 degrees or above) in the evening or morning before school they may not attend school. A child should be fever free for 24 hours, without medication, (Tylenol or Motrin, etc.) before returning to school.
  • Strep Throat - If your child is tested for Strep throat, they should remain home while waiting for the results of the throat culture. If they are determined to have Strep throat, they may not return until they have been on antibiotics for 24 hours.
  • Flu Vaccine - During flu season, the best way to prevent you and your child from getting the flu is by getting a flu vaccine. The flu vaccine, once given, takes about 2 weeks to become effective then will last throughout the entire flu season.

Please contact the school health room immediately if your child has contracted a communicable disease or is hospitalized.

If your student receives and immunization during the school year, please send record for update and verification. The school is required by law to keep your child's immunization record current.

Required Immunizations

Before your student can enter the 8th grade, they must have the following immunizations. The must have a Tdap and MCV vaccine given. Proof of these immunizations being given must be brought to the health room prior to your student getting their schedules at enrollment. These vaccines are typically given starting at age 11 so getting them done early and the vaccine records turned in will help ease the stress at back to school time for you and your student.

Important Medication Guidelines

The health rooms will no longer provide over the counter medications (acetaminophen, ibuprofen, and antacid) for students. Parents may bring these medications for their student's use with a completed Medication Administration form. The forms are available to download from the school website or can be picked up from your school's health room. Medication must be brought to school by a parent/guardian, must be age appropriate and in an unopened container. Students are not allowed to self-carry any medication to and from scool unless it is medically necessary (such as an Epi-Pen or Asthma Inhaler) and we have the proper paperwork from the physician on file. Please contact the health room in your student's building for assistance.

Health Information and Student Forms

It is important to complete the Student Health Information form each year. The information you provide helps the health room staff to care for your child should they come to the health room or in the event of an emergency. Your child's health information is confidential and may only be shared with other members of the educational team on a need to know basis.

Health Information Forms
Health Screenings
Immunization Requirements & Information
Common Health Issue Information
Student Illness/Injury