The health room is available for services from 7:30 a.m. until 2:40 p.m. on regularly scheduled school days.
Contact Information
Kelly Thomas
Platte Purchase Middle School
9400 N Platte Purchase Drive, Kansas City, MO 64155
Email: [email protected]
Health Guidelines
Children need to come to school healthy and ready to learn. Below are a few guidelines we ask you to follow concerning your child's health.
Vomiting/Diarrhea - If your child vomits or has diarrhea the evening before or the morning of school, please keep him/her home and monitor for 24 hours. Children can dehydrate very quickly. Seek the advice of your child's physician if they remain ill.
Emergency Contacts - In case your child becomes ill or is injured during school, we need to be able to contact the parents/guardians or whomever you designate as an emergency contact. Children are very upset when they are ill and for them to stay extended periods of time at school when they need to be home is unfair to them and to the other students who come to the health room.
Temperature - If your child has an elevated temperature (100 degrees or above) in the evening or morning before school and symptoms of a cold, cough, sore throat, stomach complaints, etc. keep him/her home and seek the advice of your physician. A child should be fever free for 24 hours, without medication (Tylenol or Motrin, etc.) before returning to school.
Strep Throat - If your child is tested for Strep throat, they should remain home while waiting for the results of the throat culture. Your child may return to school following 24 hours of medication.
Please contact the school health room immediately if your child has contracted a communicable disease or is hospitalized.
If your student receives and immunization during the school year, please send record for update and verification. The school is required by law to keep your child's immunization record current.
Tips to Stay Healthy
- Eat healthy- lots of fruits and vegetables
- Drink plenty of fluids
- Exercise
- Get plenty of sleep
- Manage stress
Health Information and Student Forms
It is important to complete the Student Health Information form each year. The information you provide helps the health room staff to care for your child should they come to the health room or in the event of an emergency. Your child's health information is confidential and may only be shared with other members of the educational team on a need to know basis.
Health Information Forms
Health Screenings
Immunization Requirements & Information
Common Health Issue Information
Student Illness/Injury